Cinnabon & Crepes n' Cream

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cinnabon @ Moa
Before looking for a gift for Hanna last Aug 6, we rested for a while at Cinnabon.The Cinnabon is located at a Kiosk near the Food court near the Skating Rink. Since we are quite sleepy, we wanted to drink a coffee. And I wanted something sweet.

So we opt to had our merienda at Cinnabon.

Crepes & Cream  @  Megamall
Last August 7 we had our merienda here. I super love Crepes & Cream. Since we needed something that will give us energy I ordered the Kani Mango. Usually we ordered the Mango with Ice cream. But since we are preparing to go to the gym I chose something slightly heavy and healthy. John ordered bacon something. I forgot their names. hahah! Anyways, it won't be the last time.


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