Chicken Sopas

Monday, July 25, 2011
Chicken Breast
Chicken Gizzard
Evaporated Milk

1. Boil chicken breast and don't throw the broth.
2. Debone the chicken breast
3. Slice the onion

How to cook Chicken Sopas:
1. Heat a cooking pot and put-in the butter. Allow the butter to melt.
2. Add onions and cook until the texture becomes soft.
3. Put in Chicken Gizzard and cook until brown and soft.
4. Put-in the boneless chicken breasts and cook for 3 to 5 minutes.
5. Sprinkle some salt and ground black pepper and stir.
6. Add chicken broth and bring to a boil.
7. Pour-in water wait to re-boil. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
8. Add the elbow macaroni and cook for 8 minutes while stirring once in a while.
9. Pour in milk and boil.
10. Turn-off the heat and transfer to a serving plate.
11. Serve hot. Share and enjoy!

You can also add cabbage and carrots if available.

My own version of Chicken Sopas
John said it's not that creamy. So I guess I need to add more butter and milk. And I also forgot to slice the gizzard. I put them as it is. Anyways, there's always a first time. :)


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