
Saturday, April 30, 2011 0 comments
After workout snack @ Oyster Boy last April 29

Baked oyster

Rice and laing

Oyster omelet

Onion Rings

Happy Easter @ Cajun

Celebrating Easter last April 24 @ Cajun




Main meal (Pork/Chicken and Fish)

Tongyang again

Dinner @ Tongyang after gym, dgroup and church service last April 17. I super love Tongyang :D

Peri - Peri

Dinner @ Greenhills last April 16. Service is so slooooowwww...

While waiting for the food

I can't open the sauce...

Our order.. Fish and Chicken

Super Bowl @ RP

Monday, April 11, 2011 0 comments
We had our late dinner at Superbowl. Basically, because we are so hungry and they still accept dine in customers even though its almost closing time. We ordered a birthday noodles, since John is craving for it. But still he prefers Uno's birthday noodles. Also ordered steamed fish with garlic, dimsum platter (for 50% off), and my fave dessert mango sago.

Red Kimono

A dinner with John at Technohub last April 1. I've been craving for sushi, little did I know it's Maki that I'm really referring to. Well, it only shows that I don't know much about Japanese foods. I forgot but I think we ordered California Tuna Maki, Noodles, Yakitori, Yamameshi.. (sorry I really cant remember) but here are the yummy pics. :-)

Red Kimono

Friday, April 8, 2011 0 comments
Early Dinner @ Red Kimono last April 1
Been craving for sushi, but its actually Maki.. hehe